

Primers are preparatory coatings that promote adhesion of coatings or roll goods, inhibit the development of rust, or serve a protective stain-blocking layer.

Black-Knight Primer

Coal tar-based primer that provides maximum surface adhesion to Garlands Black-Knight coal tar products. Black-Knight Metal Primer can also be used to increase adhesion to metal, concrete and masonry. Ideal for use on coal tar roofs, as well as metal, concrete and masonry.

Eco-Seal Primer

Eco-Seal Primer is a hybrid, acrylic joint sealant primer specifically formulated to enhance the performance of Garlands Tuff-Stuff MS and Green-Lock Sealant XL as well as powdery masonry substrates such as brick, block, stucco, and EIFS.

Garla-Block Primer

Bleed-blocking, water-based acrylic primer enhances adhesion while preventing stains and discoloration of your reflective coatings caused by asphalt and coal tar roof systems.


Asphaltic roof primer that enhances adhesion and improves coverage of all Garland asphalt-based products.

Garla-Prime VOC

Asphaltic, low VOC alternative to Garla-Prime that acts as a bonding agent for surfaces that can be difficult to adhere to.

Insul-Lock HR Universal Primer

Water-based, VOC-compliant primer for use with Insul-Lock HR over smooth, mineral and gravel surfaced built-up roofs.

Rust-Go Primer

Rust inhibitive primer that enhances the adhesion and performance of Rust-Go VOC Top Coat, Revitalizer Metal, and CPR systems.

SA Primer

Emulsion-based primer used to improve the adhesion of Garlands self-adhering modified membranes

White-Knight Metal Primer

Moisture curing primer that enhances the adhesion and performance of White-Knight and White-Knight Plus over metal surfaces.